Local file list


This page configures the appearance of the local file list.

(Local file list page of the Free FTP Manager Options dialog box)

Always use the following configurationn

When selected, the selected layout is used for the local file list.

Default list style

Chose from one of the following styles for the local file list:

Details - List of files with full details, this is the default style
List - Lists only the file names and shows their icons, list get's extended horizontally if it is larger as the list window
Large Icons - Large list of icons with the file name below.
Small Icons - Lists only the file names and shows their icons, list get's extended vertically if it is larger as the list window

Visible columns when using details style

Specifies which colomns will be visible when in details style. Useful if you do not wish to display all details.

show statusbar with information about (selected) files

If enabled, Free FTP Manager displays a statusbar with information about the selected files and folders. If no files are selected, the information about all files is shown.

Remember last used configuration

When selected, Free FTP Manager remembers the layout of the local file list when closed and restores it when started the next time.

Remember column width in details style

If enabled, Free FTP Manager remembers the width of the columns in the local file list in details style.

Filesize format in details style

Specifies how the filesize will be displayed. Filesizes can either be displayed in bytes, KB and MB. In Auto mode, Free FTP Manager keeps the length of the filesize small, displaying a large file in bytes would result in a larg string so Free FTP Manager uses KB or MB in this case.